

Best Answer

Profanity is profane language. It is verbiage that disrespects, defiles, desecrates or shows contempt for what sacred, or that which disregards what is accepted as decent and rational. What is sacred? What is decent and/or rational, and according to whom? Obviously, there is no absolute answer to those questions. The answers are relative and a matter of opinion. Therefore, there is no one right answer to the question originally posed. However, if this question was posed to a government agency (such as the FCC), business group, or religious entity, their answer would be definitive, according to what they have already established as "acceptable" for their members, participants, employees, etc. Anyone, therefore, who answers yes or no to this question will be sharing a personal opinion or belief, or a specific group-mandated code of conduct. No can answer yes or no without bias.

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Is profanity a verb?

Profanity is not a verb. It's a noun.

How do you make money on miss bimbo?

there is no freaken way to get money in order if u pay this is bullsht

Is profanity allowed on

No, It Is Not!No profanity is allowed on at any time. Contributors who use profanity will have their account suspended. If you notice profanity anywhere on the site, please advise a Supervisor.

Does Shakira use profanity?

Shakira does not use profanity in her songs.

Who said If you cant dazzle them with your brilliance baffle them with your bullsht?

W.C. Fields, a comedian and actor, is commonly attributed with the saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsht." This quote emphasizes the importance of confidence and showmanship in situations where knowledge or expertise may be lacking.

Who invented profanity?

No one is responsible for inventing profanity. Profanity is just something that has come about over a period of time.

What is a sentence using the word profanity?

You can write a sentence about a certain person doing the act. For example: The teacher expelled the student for using profanity. Also, you can say that something has profanity. "The textbook contains profanity in it."

Does Tinashe Kachingwe curse or use profanity?

yes, he does. actually his profanity is quite colorful and has garnered the attention of many other promominant profanity connesiuers

What happens when contributors use profanity on WikiAnswers?

Profanity Is Not ToleratedProfanity is not tolerated on the site. Contributors who use profanity can expect to have their account suspended by the WikiAnswers supervisors.

Can you receive unemployment benefits if you were fired for using profanity?

Probably if it was only language profanity.

Is profanity allowed on MTV?

Most profanity isn't allowed on MTV. However, minor language is allowed.