Certain TV stations can be bad for kids because children are very impressionable and can learn "bad things" from TV. They also do not necessarily have the ability to tell good from bad yet, or real from fake.
well almost every kid watches tv and videos. so with that being said, all of them at some point in their lives.
There is no doubt it does but the argument is whether the effects are good or bad. Unlike violence on TV that is proven to reinforce violent behaviours.
i think its bad thing
This is a subject that scholars and critics have been debating for decades. There is some research that indicates TV violence can be a factor in how kids perceive the world: George Gerbner, a famous media researcher, came up with "Cultivation Theory," which says that the more violence kids watch, the more they come to see it as normal, and further, the more they start to think the world is a violent and dangerous place-- this is known as the "Mean World Syndrome." People who want to blame TV violence for problems in society are probably overstating their case, however. While TV violence can certainly be ONE influence, it is not the only influence-- kids and young adults are also influenced by parents, peers, schools, religion, and other factors. That said, there is ample evidence that parents do need to monitor what their kids are watching, since kids are very impressionable and may think violence is entertaining unless someone explains to them that it is not.
maybe. If they see a lot of that stuff on tv, and if they have the wrong friends that have the potential of becoming a gang or being assosiated with gang violence, then yes.
yes it does it makes the kids less caring and that stuff
I believe TV- 14 for violence, which honestly isn't that bad.
It depends on how much tv and what shows.
whel tv show is good for kids
Yes, they do affect behavior. Truthfully I am a kid myself and I know one boy that gets himself into a lot of trouble and most of it is probably from violent video games and bad TV. So if your child is playing violent video games or watching bad TV, make them stop because if we stop putting violence in kids heads they might have better behavior at school and long term, it might help us live it a better nonviolent world. Thank you and please encourage your kids to take the nonviolent route.
Not if the parent is there to give the violence context. The world is a violent place, and kids need to be aware of this, lest it take them by surprise when they're older. We can avoid this by exposing them to violence at younger ages, as long as the child understands why the violence is occurring and what the point of the violence is there will not be any issues. Where problems lie are when parents buy their kids Grand Theft Auto 4 and leave him home alone with it for hours on end, who knows what he's learning or misinterpreting from a game like that? Be involved in your kids life and expose them to everything. Don't be afraid to talk to them about violence or anything else, they're your blood after all!