A period.
Domain names are: "strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet; "domain names are organized hierarchically with the more generic parts to the right"wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwnE.g. wiki.answers.com is a domain name.
The meaning is that the components can be separated from the mixture.
The components of a mixture can be separated by filtration and distillation.
A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods, serving as an address for a computer network
The three parts of a domain name are the host record (www, @(none) or *(other)), the SLD (second level domain) and the TLD (top level domain) or ccTLD (country code top level domain). For example wiki.answers.com:wiki = host nameanswers = SLD (second level domain).com = TLD (top level domain)
"URL" stands for "uniform resource locator." The URL for Google is http://www.google.com. In that example, "google.com" is the domain name. The URL is the entire web address that must be typed into the browser to locate a specific webpage. This often includes additional text after the domain name, separated from the domain name with a slash "/".
The shell, yolk and the white can be separated.
Yes, components can be separated through various methods such as filtration, distillation, or chromatography depending on their properties. These methods exploit differences in properties like size, solubility, boiling points, or affinity to separate the components effectively.
Blood (can be separated into its components) Tissue (Bone Marrow, Skin etc.)
There are mainly two parts of website address, one is protocol and other is domain name. Protocol (http://) helps the browser for finding any of the site online and domain name helps to identify type of the website.
No. Gold is an element.