The development of what we now call the internet started in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first satellite, beating the United States into space. The powers behind the American military at the time became highly alarmed as this meant that the USSR could theoretically launch bombs into space, and then drop them anywhere on earth. In 1958 the concerns of people in the US Military triggered the creation of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (DARPANET).
In 1962 MIT students were working on the origins of graphical programs and JR Licklieder writes about his idea of a "intergalactic network." Kleinrock does a dissertation on communication networks. In 1963 Licklieder contracts with MIT, UCLA, and BBN to work on his "network." Syncom the first communications satellite is launched. MIT works on secure packet switching networks in 1964 and IBM 360 computer goes on the market. In 1965 MIT connects computers on telephone line. The modem is invented in 1967 and in 1970 file transfer is developed. In 1973 30 institutions connect on networks. In 1974 Ethernet is invented. Apple II begins sales in 1977 and in 1978 small computers with modems go on sale. In 1981 200 computers connect and in 1982 first coaxial cable interface is made. Macs go on sale in 1984 and by 1985 2,000 computers are connected. By 1987 there is now 10,000 computers connected, and 1988 sees 80,000 computers connected. In 1990 there are 300,000 and in 1991 10 billion packets per month with 600,000 computers in 100 countries are connected. As it can be seen the Internet is not new.
It is either the date of creation or the date of first publication.
Depends if you mean the date from evolution or creation.
Interesting article on the weblink at the lower left titled Internet Creation
You would have a legal record of the creation and creation date of your work.
cuz he did
janaury 2005.
So many it's impossible to count.
Tim Berners-Lee in 1989
because yes
It has allowed for the creation of digital products.
The internet