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Yahoo! Came first.

Google started in January 1996 as a research project of Larry Page while Yahoo which was founded by Jerry Yang started in March 1995. So in conclusion, YAHOO CAME FIRST.

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Q: Which came first Yahoo or Google?
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What was first Google Yahoo or Wikipedia?

Yahoo .

What came first Google or YouTube?

Google of course. Google owns YouTube so its pretty clear witch came out first. Google came out in 1998 & YouTube was created February of 2005, Google Bought YouTube in 2006!

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Google & Yahoo are in the same account, so if you get a yahoo account you will also have a google account. :]

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Google and Yahoo are two search engines owned by Microsoft and Yahoo! respectively.

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of course google is NOT supporting yahoo. google is wayyy to good for yahoo. its soo obvious.

Google or Yahoo?

i cant even use yahoo so google

How do you Google Yahoo?

seach yahoo

What is this another Yahoo Answers site?

Actually, this came first

Is Google older than Yahoo?

No Google is not older then enjoy the following story.once in internate history,before sponge bob games where posted on youtube and lesbians had there own say,and before Google had a feud with yahoo.this is the VIBRATE UNDERGROUND SEQUNCE ON FACEBOOK PART:3.when Google first came out yahoo was better then bing and people saw how easy Google was and it got its my space got old and there is now a facebook. Google wanted to help facebook,but yahoo said that they should help facebook,so yahoo wrote:"Google sucks".and made it on youtube and went suckish but still yahoo we need YOUR help to found a website where sponge bob,lesbians and Google can all fit in.thank you!

List two engines for finding images?

Google and Yahoo

Which is more popular Yahoo or Google?

Yahoo is better. Yahoo and Google are both major companies but Yahoo is better. tip click the exclamation mark at the end of Yahoo it sings. google's better ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you kidding me? of course Google is the most popular web in the world of the Internet!

How do you get to Yahoo com?

type yahoo into google