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Q: Which of the religions was concentrated in parts of Europe and the west coast of the Middle East in 1500 CE?
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Christianity was concentrated primarily in Europe and on the east coast of North America

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The middle passage is defined as: The journey from the coast of Africa to Europe beginning the triangular trade.

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Vikings raided all along the coasts, and up the major rivers, of Europe in the Early Middle Ages.

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It is located in Europe it is not part of the middle east.

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The southern coast of Europe.

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Off the Barbary Coast ( the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa. )

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Europe because Europe has about 11 meters all around the coast while Africa has was higher then that.

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The Fertile Crescent is located in the Middle East, stretching from the eastern Mediterranean coast to the Persian Gulf. It includes parts of modern-day countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. It is not in Europe or North America.

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Between the west coast of Europe and the east coast of the United States, it's about 3,000 miles.