I am sure there are people in Panama that do practice Voudo/Voodoo.
of course not
While voodoo dolls are often seen as an ancient ritual to some, there are still cultures that practice the use of dolls. In Haiti, people who practice with voodoo dolls are called "vodouists." In the United States there is still some voodoo culture in the south, such as Lousiana.
Grandmothers are just other people. Like all people, there are some who practice voodoo and many who do not. It depends on their culture, how they grew up and what they choose to do.
Voodoo/Voudo/Voudun is a fascinating and beautiful faith and practice. It deserves great respect and reverence.
voodooists practice vodoo. people who are serious about voodoo (I mean very serious) are called serviteurs.
Manuel Antonio Noriega apparently practiced voodoo but it is not a common religion in Panama.
in Haiti and the dominican Republic
100 Percente
Yes, Africa is actually the birth place of voodoo. many tribes do it, the number and the tribes I don't know but I do know many practice it. Voodoo has been used since the ancient egyptians. It was said queen Cleopatra did it when she was in reign.