"Near" is a relative term. Australia is certainly closer to the Philippines than America is. From Australia's capital city of Canberra to the Philippines capital of Manila is a distance of 6254 km, or 3374 nautical miles.
4442.45 km = 2760.41miles
No. Australia is larger than the Philippines. The Philippines is 300,000 square kilometres, while Australia is 7,692,024 square kilometres.
Southwest monsoon (Habagat) are the seasonal winds that blows from Australia to Philippines
Is there a NAB branch in the Philippines?
If you mean US state, then Hawaii. If you mean State - as in nation, then there are far too many to list.... Japan, Australia, The Philippines....
living animals
The Philippines, USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, and Greece.
The Philippines did not migrate to Australia. The islands of the Philippines are exactly where they have been for thousands of years, almost 3000km away from Australia.
Yes. Australia is usually very responsive to tragedies in the Philippines and provides whatever aid is possible.
Fascinating question ! I'll say: -- Philippines, -- Japan, -- Taiwan, -- Australia, -- New Zealand, -- Indonesia, -- Brunei, -- Papua New Guinea
Roughly speak the Philippines are about half way between China in Australia.