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Q: The Was put up to keep East Germans from fleeing to the west?
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What was the physical structure that the soviet built to stop East Germans from fleeing to west Germany?

Berlin Wall

What was the name of the physical structure that the Soviets built to stop East Germans from fleeing to West Germany?

The Berlin Wall

The East German government built the Berlin Wall to?

...keep the East Germans out of West Berlin.

Why was the Berlin Wall was put up?

Because Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev told East German premier Walter Ulbricht to fix his "brain drain" problem, in which the most important East Germans, like doctors and engineers, were fleeing to West Berlin at an alarming rate. Ulbricht tasked his Chief of Construction Troops, Erich Honecker, with establishing a barricade around West Berlin to prevent this from happening. Honecker then decided the barricade should be in the form of a huge wall, and started building it.

What were the Russian people fleeing east called?

Fleeing east, west, north or south...if they left their country during the cold war, they were labeled "Defectors."

What led to construction of the Berlin Wall?

Putting it very simply: the Cold War partitioning of Berlin and the fact that many people in East Berlin were fleeing across the border to West Berlin and freedom. The communist government built the wall to prevent these people from fleeing.

The Berlin airlift began when?

west berliners began fleeing into east berlin

What were the effects on people after the Berlin Wall fell?

East Germans could go out of east germay and west Germans could go out of west Germany and it was the fall of Hitler and Stalin and the end of communism.

Who knocked over the Berlin wall?

Both the East and West Germans

What and whom Berlin Wall divide?

Dunno, don't care. (john here) The Berlin Wall was erected by the East German regime (under the thumb of the Russians at the time) to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the freedom of the West If ya dunno and don`t care, don`t post

What did the Soviets build to divide east Berlin from west Berlin?

Not a thing. The East Germans built the Berlin Wall.

Why was Berlin Wall built simple answer?

To halt the outflow of East Germans to the West.