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Vietnamese (tiếng Việt, or less commonly Việt ngữ) is the national and official language of Vietnam.

In its early history, Vietnamese writing used Chinese characters. In the 13th century, the Vietnamese developed their own set of characters called Chữ nôm. The celebrated epic Đoạn trường tân thanh (Truyện Kiều or The Tale of Kieu) by Nguyễn Du was written in Chữ nôm. During the French colonial period,Quốc ngữ, the romanized Vietnamese alphabet used for spoken Vietnamese, which was developed in 17th century by Jesuit Alexandre De Rhodes and several other Catholic missionaries, became popular and brought literacy to the masses.

Various other languages are spoken by several minority groups in Vietnam. The most common of these are Tày, Mường, Khmer, Chinese, Nùng, and H'Mông. The French language, a legacy of colonial rule, is still spoken by some older Vietnamese as a second language, but is losing its popularity. Vietnam nevertheless remains a full member of La Francophonie.

Russian - and to a much lesser extent German, Czech, or Polish - is sometimes known among those whose families had ties with the Soviet bloc. In recent years, English is becoming more popular as a second language. English study is obligatory in most schools. Chinese and Japanese have also become more popular.
Salut: The main language is, of course, Vietnamese. The other official language is French. Several other minor languages are spoken.
Vietnamese as a first, also some Vietnamese people speak Chinese because they worked in China and some older ones speak a little French.
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) is the name of their language. Many also speak English, especially the younger generations. French is another language that some Vietnamese have learned.

To the ears of US servicemen, it sounded like a form of Chinese.

Vietnam speaks vietnamese.
The amount of Vietnamese that are bilingual are increasing but still quite an amount only speak Vietnamese. Those that are bilingual usually speak Vietnamese and English.
Vietnam is a country and is incapable of speech. The official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese.

Vietnamese was always the primary language.

French was the secondary language because it was the French who colonized them.

Most practiced reilgion in vietnam

The official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese.

Besides, there are many languages spoken in the minor ethnic groups

English, Japanese, French, Chinese and Russian are optionally taught in junior and senior high schools but English is the most popular and is also taught in elementary schools.
Vietnamese is the 1st most popular language, then English as the 2nd most popular language.
The official language of Vietnam is vietamese.
Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) is the official language, though there has been talk of it changing to English as of 2008.
No. Vietnamese is the only official language.
It was a second language during the war; if you can speak French, you can get around over there.
Vietnamese is a Viet-Muong, Vietic, Mon-Khmer, Austro-Asiatic language.
The official language is Vietnamese.
French,a few English, and mostly Vietnamese
the languages are chines budbud ,zingz,fangs, bobo,and 107 more
The 4 most common lanquages spoken in Vietnam are


-Chinese, Yue


Vietnamese speaks Vietnamese
It's Vietnamese.
Nowadays, most Vietnamese people speak "Vietnamese" or "Tieng Viet".

For more information about the evolution of Vietnamese Language, visit [related links].

The official language is Vietnamese. The second language is English. Some speak Chinese, Khmer, and French.
The language spoken is, and always has been Vietnamese. However for administrative purposes, classical Chinese was used. During French colonisation, French superseded Chinese. Following independence, Vietnamese was used officially in schools, universities and for official business.

(For more info about who speaks Vietnamese and the evolution of Vietnamese Language, see the related link)
Vietnamese people speak Vietnamese. There are different ethnic groups in Vietnam, so one person might possibly speak their ethnic groups' language plus Vietnamese. The national language of Vietnam is Vietnamese.

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6y ago
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14y ago

Indochina is a region and not a country.

The former French Indochina included Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Culturally, the Indochina region also includes the Malay peninsula, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand.

Taking all these countries into consideration, the languages of Indochina include:
- Mandarin Chinese
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Khmer
- English
- Burmese

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11y ago

Indochina was a French colony, so the official language of administration was French. The native peoples of Indochina had a wide variety of languages. The Vietnamese, who were the largest Indochinese population, spoke Vietnamese, which is an Austroasiatic language. Khmer, the dominant language of Cambodia is also Austroasiatic. Lao, which is dominant in Laos is a Tai-Kadai Language. There were also ethnic minorities who spoke Sino-Tibetan Languages, Austronesian Languages, and Hmong-Mien Languages.

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12y ago

The vast majority of Vietnamese people do not speak English. However, the younger population from children to youths in their 20s are either taking English in their curriculum or are getting a heavy dose of English through media such as the Disney channel on TV and Hollywood movies. However, this zest to learn English is mainly centered in the cities where parents can better afford schools that teach English and extracurricular English tutoring. American entertainment is making English a popular language to learn - not to mention parents view English as a vehicle to improve their child's ability to get a better education by studying abroad and acquiring a high-paying job.

Older generations don't usually speak English unless they are involved in the tourism industry (tour services, restaurants, hotels) and/or live in heavily populated expatriate communities or backpacker areas.

Moreover, there are quite a few middle aged Vietnamese people who speak Russian or Czech for example from the era in which it was popular for Vietnamese to study and work abroad in the Soviet Bloc.

The elder generation of which there are few left, still speak or know some French.

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6y ago

The 1 official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese, which is also the national language. The vast majority of people in Vietnam speak Vietnamese.

Here is a list of all 107 languages spoken in Vietnam (including multiple sign languages, discussed at the bottom):

  1. Akha
  2. Arem
  3. Bahnar
  4. Brao
  5. Bru, Eastern
  6. Cao Lan
  7. Cham, Eastern
  8. Cham, Western
  9. Chinese, Yue
  10. Chrau
  11. Chru
  12. Chut
  13. Côông
  14. Cua
  15. En
  16. Gelao, Green
  17. Gelao, Red
  18. Gelao, White
  19. Giáy
  20. Haiphong Sign Language
  21. Halang
  22. Halang Doan
  23. Hani
  24. Hanoi Sign Language
  25. Haroi
  26. Hmong Daw
  27. Hmong Dô
  28. Hmong Don
  29. Hmong Njua
  30. Ho Chi Minh City Sign Language
  31. Hre
  32. Hung
  33. Iu Mien
  34. Jarai
  35. Jeh
  36. Katu, Eastern
  37. Katua
  38. Kayong
  39. Kháng
  40. Khao
  41. Khmer, Central
  42. Khmu
  43. Khua
  44. Kim Mun
  45. Koho
  46. Kucong
  47. Lachi
  48. Lachi, White
  49. Laghuu
  50. Laha
  51. Lahu

  52. Maa
  53. Maleng
  54. Mang
  55. Mantsi
  56. Mnong, Central
  57. Mnong, Eastern
  58. Mnong, Southern
  59. Monom
  60. Muong
  61. Ná-Meo
  62. Nguôn
  63. Nung
  64. O'du
  65. Pa Di
  66. Pacoh
  67. Pa-Hng
  68. Phu Thai
  69. Phula
  70. Phuong
  71. Puoc
  72. Qabiao
  73. Rade
  74. Rengao
  75. Roglai, Cacgia
  76. Roglai, Northern
  77. Roglai, Southern
  78. Romam
  79. Sedang
  80. Sila
  81. Sinicized Miao
  82. Stieng, Budeh
  83. Stieng, Bulo
  84. Sui
  85. Tai Daeng
  86. Tai Dam
  87. Tai Do
  88. Tai Dón
  89. Tai Hang Tong
  90. Tai Thanh
  91. Takua
  92. Ta'oih, Upper
  93. Tày
  94. Tay Boi
  95. Tày Sa Pa
  96. Tày Tac
  97. Tho
  98. Thu Lao
  99. Todrah
  100. Trieng
  101. Ts'ün-Lao
  102. Vietnamese
  103. Zhuang, Dai
  104. Zhuang, Yang
  105. Zhuang, Yongnan
  106. Zhuang, Zuojiang

The three deaf-community sign languages indigenous to Vietnam are found in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, and Haiphong.

The HCMC and Hanoi languages have been influenced by the French Sign Language once taught in schools, and have absorbed a large amount of FSL vocabulary.

The Vietnamese sign languages are part of a sign language area that includes indigenous sign languages of Laos and Thailand, though it is not known if they are related to each other. The influence of French Sign may have obscured the links: the highest cognacy is with Haiphong Sign, which has been the least influenced by French Sign.

There are attempts to develop a national standard language, called Vietnamese Sign Language, but the progress is slow.

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6y ago

There aren't four most common languages in Vietnam.
Vietnamese is the most common, spoken by more than 90% of the population. The two most common foreign languages are English and French.

After that, there are more than 100 minorities languages, each spoken by a very small population.

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15y ago

There isn't really a percentage, but not English is spoken. A language called Vietnamese is spoken.

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12y ago

Chinese, English, Vietnamese ( of course), and different languages of ethnic minorities ( use in the highland)

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13y ago

Vietnam is a country and is incapable of speech. The official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese.

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6y ago

The most common language in Vietnam is Vietnamese, spoken by more than 90% of the population. After that, there are more than 100 minority languages, each spoken by a very small group.

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