The address of the Marathon Area Historical Society is: Po Box 444, Marathon, NY 13803-0444
There is Marathon,Ontario. Located North shore of Lake Ontario, mid-way between Sault Ste.Marie and Thunder bay here is a Marathon town in NY. state (founded Harrison in 1818, changed name to Marathon in 1828). Also some other communities in NY. are called Marathon
Cardiff Marathon ended in 2006.
26.2 miles. The term "Marathon" refers to the distance of 26.2 miles (42 kilometers).
Tokyo International Marathon ended in 2008.
Rotterdam Half Marathon ended in 2009.
when you EAT !
yes she finished the marathon at an awful note but im sure tom was extremely proud of her as he said on an interview.
It was because the royal family wanted to see the end of the marathon from buckingham palace
Tokyo International Women's Marathon ended in 2008.