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people who was 18 and older

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Q: Who is allowed to vote in united states?
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When were women allowed to vote in the un ited states?

Women were first allowed to vote in the United States in 1920.

How is the eastern and western sections divided in the United States?

they are divided between states that allowed women to vote and those that did not (apex)

According to the US Constitution what people in the US are legally allowed to vote?

According to United States you must me be 18 years or older to vote, but if you are a convicted feelen you are not allowed to vote.Every voter must be regestered to vote.

How did the US become more democratic between the 1790s and the 1830s?

increased the number of men allowed to vote. Most states allowed voters to choose presidential electors.

What impact did the expansion of voting rights have on american democracy?

The only democracy the United States has is the act of voting. The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic with very limited democracy. The only real impact of voting expansion, was people who were not allowed to vote, were now able to vote.

Which groups were permitted for the first time by the 15th Amendment the right to vote?

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Basically allowed the former slaves to vote and also people of any race, color and also any former slaves. this allowed immigrants to vote, as well as Native Americans to vote.

Could someone in the US vote for Susan Boyle in Britain's Got Talent?

No, because the competition is over, she came second. People from the United States were not allowed to vote. To vote, you had to live in Britain.

What year were 18 year old allowed to vote?

The year that 18-year-olds were allowed to vote in the United States was 1971 when the 26th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified.

How many states allowed to vote?

all of them.

In Spain who is allowed to vote?

All citizens in Spain over 18 are allowed to vote

Which amendment gives people the right to vote in the US?

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

In 1787 what percentage of people in the US were allowed to vote?

In 1787, only white male property owners were allowed to vote in the United States. This meant that the percentage of the population eligible to vote was very low, estimated at around 6% to 10%.