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Since US Military snipers came before police and civilian (target shooters) snipers; well cover that subject. 1. US snipers prior to WWI were called SHARPSHOOTERS (or Marksmen). 2. After WWI the term sniper became popular. 3. All US snipers (Marksmen, Sharpshooters) used standard issue military rifles, but had scopes installed on them. With the exception of the USMC in Vietnam, they used civilian (adapted for military use) bolt action hunting rifles. US Army snipers in Vietnam used standard issued M14 service rifles that the army called XM21 weapon's systems. The "X" meaning experimental. After Vietnam, they were called M21 weapon's systems. 4. The XM-21 weapon's system was simply a hand fitted M14 service rifle. Armourers (the military name for gunsmiths) put them together from the best M14 parts and they digested MATCH ammunition. MATCH ammo was simply loaded with precision powder and exact measurements. They had the words MATCH engraved upon the heads of the brass shells...even in Vietnam. 6. Priority targets for US Military snipers used to be (during the war) officers, NCOs, radiomen, crew served wpns, any other target the sniper feels is important...and other snipers. Guess what the tall tale sign of a sniper used to be? A RIFLE SCOPE! 7. In a war zone, if a man had a scope; he was a sniper. That's what made the difference. Real combat snipers, who have to "rough it", often damage their scopes. Consequently, all US Military snipers (in Vietnam) had to be expert shots with their iron sights (non-scope). More than one US military sniper in Vietnam had to dispatch enemy personnel with iron sights because their scope was un-servicable. Therefore, a "scope" may be the trademark of the US military sniper, but he better be able to hit targets at 900 meters without one...or he's a sniper on paper only, and that'll be temporary!

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Q: What are the parts of a Sniper Rifle and How it is different from a normal rifle?
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Are you looking for a specific model or action type? Have you tired doing an internet search for "parts of a rifle"?