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In American English, a 'simple majority' means over half the valid votes cast. On the other hand, a 'qualified majority' includes stipulations like 'two-thirds of the valid votes cast provided that at least 60% of those eligible to vote do so'. Other English-speaking countries such as Britain and Canada and all non-English speaking countries (some exclusively) have retained the original meaning of 'majority' as the greater number or part, so that 'simple majority' means more votes than any other candidate or party (so 'relative majority' has been used as a synonym), though the American English meaning is often employed.

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Simple majority is one more than half. For example, 51 out of 100 is simple majority.

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Greater then 50 percent is a majority vote. In some instances in the US Congress, a super majority of 3/5 is required.

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Q: What is the number for simple majority of congress?
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A simple majority is required for a session of Congress. This is known as a quorum. Since the Senate has 100 members, 51 of them must be present. And since the House has 435 members, 218 must be present.

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In the United States Congress quorum is made up of the simple majority of representatives. This mean quorum in the Senate is 51 and in the House of Representatives is 218.

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No. They are appointed by the President, but must be approved by a simple majority vote of the Senate.

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The number, known as a "quorum" is required to conduct any procedures. In the US Senate and the House, a simple majority being present is normally a quorum, except when the 12th Amendment requires a 2/3 quorum to elect a President and Vice President (if the Electoral College fails to do so).In the Senate, a simple majority is 51 senators, in the House 218 representatives.

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Most presidential appointments, including federal judges, cabinet members and ambassadors, require a simple majority vote of the Senate. Mid-term appointments of vice presidents require a simple majority vote of both Houses of Congress, and treaties require a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.

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yes unless overturn by the relevant congress or legislature, certain legislatures allow for a simple majority, some a supermajority, some require a joint session to pass a majority.

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