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Ronald Reagan never started Star Wars. George Lucas did in 1977

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Q: What year did Ronald Reagan start Star Wars?
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What president initiated the ''Star Wars'' defense system?

Ronald Reagan

The strategic defense initiative star wars was propased by which president?

The Strategic Defense Initiative was proposed by Ronald Reagan.

What was Ronald Reagan's Star Wars speech about?

Ronald Reagan was talking about satellites in space with lasers on them that had the power to destroy possible ICBM's from the Soviet Union.

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The Strategic Defense Initiative, referred to by opponents as Star Wars, was Ronald Reagan's recommendation.

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Star wars in the cold war was a satellite Ronald Reagan had set up in space to find missiles before they got to America and shoot them down over the ocean. Reagan called his program the Strategic Defense Initiative. Critics who didn't like the idea or Ronald Reagan mockingly called it "Star wars."

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Ronald ReaganAnswerRonald regan Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan

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The nickname given to Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980's was 'Star Wars'.

Which world leader came up with the program called Star Wars?

U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Did Reagan break any treaties with the USSR when he created Star Wars?

First off, Ronald Reagan didn't create Star Wars, George Lucas did. Second, it had nothing to do with any form of government anywhere in the world.

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The name of President Ronald Reagan's plan to increase the strength of the U.S. Military was "Star Wars". It is also the name of the popular movie franchise.

What president strongly supported SDI?

The primary proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also derisively known as Star Wars, was Ronald Reagan.

What president was behind stars wars not the movie?

Ronald M. Reagan .