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The only ones who need to fear re-education are those who resist. You either believe in economic justice or you believe in the US Constitution. Make the wrong choice and suffer the consequences.

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Q: Will Barack Obama force us onto collective farms?
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Was Barack Obama in the Air Force?


Has brack Obama served inus army force?

No. Barack Obama was never in the military.

Uniting small farms into large government-controlled farms is called?

Collective farms were large, government controlled farms formed from small farms that were surrendered by force. These were common in socialist regimes.

When Barack Obama is traveling on Air Force One how is he traveling?

He's flying on a plane! =)

Is Barack Obama running for president in 2012?

Yes, unless totally foreseen circumstances force him out of the race.

Who is the current President of the United States?

Barack Obama is the current President

How does Barack Obama feel about Operation Cast Lead?

While Barack Obama is not in favor of any war, he supported Israel's Right to use force to contain the situation of Gaza. However, he was critical of the Israeli response and noted that it was disproportionate.

Where was Barack Obama May 2 2012?

He was on Air Force One, on his way back from a surprise visit to Afghanistan.

When Barack Obama travels on air force one how is he traveling there in a plane a helicopter a luxurious bus or a armored car?

The president travels to Air Force One by armoured limo or helicopter.

When did President Obama force Congress to raise Gasoline Sales Taxes?

Pres. Barack Hussein Obama did not force Congress to raise gasoline sales taxes. The president wanted Congress to raise the federal gasoline excise tax but the Republican led House refused to do so.

What is the symbol of Barack Obama's political party?

There are numerous symbols associated with Barack Obama: Presidential symbols: Seal of the President Air Force 1 Astrological: Leo (August 4, 1961) Law: Scales of Justice Democratic Party: Donkey Nobel Prize: He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in his first year of presidency.

What is name of Barack Obama's jet?

The jet does not belong to Mr. Obama, and in fact, he did not buy it. "Air Force One" is the official presidential air plane, and it used by the President of the United States, whoever that president is. Mr. Bush rode in it when he was president, and Mr. Obama rides in it now.