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Anti-Federalists didn't like the Constitution because they thought it gave too much power to the National/Federal Government. (It was too much like England's government.)

Specifically, they thought that the power given to the executive branch, especially the president, was too much. They feared that the government could turn into a Monarchy.

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Q: Anti-Federalists criticized the Constitution on the grounds that it gave it too much power to who?
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Antifederalists criticized the US Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the?

Anti-federalists criticized the U Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the national government. Anti-federalists did not want the Constitution to be ratified.

A major reason that the Antifederalists criticized the Constitution was because?

The antifederalists at the time of the ratification of the US Constitution believed the document invested too much power in the central government. They believed that the majority of the power should lie with the individual states.

What were people opposed to the constitution preferring more power be given to the state governments than to the national government?


What side did the federalists and antifederalists take on the constitution?

federalist were for the gov't to have more power and the anti-federalist wanted the states to have more power than the gov't.

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Why did antifederalists oppose the constitution?

They were afraid that too much power would be vested in a central government. Also, they opposed it because there was no Bill of Rights.

Why did the Antifederalists oppose the Constitution?

The antifederalists opposed the constitution because their leading argument, however, centered on the constitutions lack of protection for individual rights. Gabriel Marrerothe anti federalists didn't want the union to have a strong central government, but wanted more power for the individual states. the constitution was lacking a Bill of Rights, which is why the anti-federalists agreed when that was later added.

Who opposed Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton was opposed by the antifederalists, who believed that the US would be better off with the states in power, not a strong central government. The antifederalists were led by Thomas Jefferson. Even though the antifederalists lost the argument, they greatly influenced the first 10 amendments in the US constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights.

Why did the antifederalists dislike the proposed constitution?

the national government would be to strong

Why might the antifederalists think the constitution would reduce the power of the states?

Because they feared that a too-strong central government, would wipe out state powers and individual freedom.

What is the main reason that the anti federalists were against ratification?

Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution, because, as their name suggests, they distrusted a strong federal government such as the one the Constitution would create. Many antifederalists felt that a strong central government, rather than one granting autonomy and power to the states, would lose sight of the people's desires as the British government lost sight of the colonies' desires.

What position did the federalists take on the constitution?

Federalists wanted the constitution. They supported Federalism (if you couldn't already tell from their label). Antifederalists opposed the Federalist views. They believed that the constitution took to much power from the states and thought it did not guarantee people's rights.