Ulysses S. Grant was a famous Northern general during the Civil War who went on to become President of the United States.
Many famous people fought for the North during the Civil War. Some were Generals Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, George B. McClellan, and six later US Presidents- Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison and McKInley
Mary Chesnut is famous because of the diaries she kept during the Civil war.
there were a lot of famous people of the civil war John Brown and more
Rose O'Neal Greenhow was a Confederate spy during the American Civil War. One of her famous quotes is "I am a Southern woman born with revolutionary blood in my veins." Another notable quote is "I always acted conscientiously and from a strong sense of duty."
Ulysses S. Grant was a famous Northern general during the Civil War who went on to become President of the United States.
Taking pictures of major people, also took pictures in the war
Who were all the important people during the Civil War?
Lee for the South and Grant for the North were the most famous.
A major Civil War Battle of the Western Theater during the American Civil War.
John Mosby
It depends which civil war you mean
For leading the Union to victory!