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Q: Colonial charters were granted to
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English kings granted colonial charters because they believed colonies would?

Benefit england...

What did congress replace their colonial charters with?

Colonial charters were replaced by the US constitution.

Why did townspeople want charters?

Townspeople wanted charters because these granted them specific rights and privileges. Charters contained local by-laws which are clearly defined for the townspeople to follow.

Who controlled towns and often granted charters of liberty?

Manor Lord

The power of local governments depends on charters granted to them by?

the state governments

Were the old colonial charters during the confederation period replaced?

Many of the old colonial charters became extinct as new laws were passed. They were replaced with up to date laws that reflected the times.

What is Divinding the powers of government as the colonial charters did is called?

Seperation of Powers

The Bill of Rights used ideas from what legal documents?

Each state's Bill of Rights English charters Colonial grants (All of the above)

Controlled towns and often granted charters of liberty?

Manor lords were the men who controlled towns and villages and often granted charters of liberty. By law, these manor lords were allowed to force the peasants under their control to work without pay and confine them to the land.

How did the colonist react to intolerable acts of 1774?

They saw that the acts were a violation to their constitutional rights, their natural rights, and their colonial charters. The believed that these acts were a threat to Massachusetts' liberties and all of what was then colonial British America.

How many states did not have to draft new constitutions since they already had republician government as a part of their colonial charters?


How many states did not have to draft new constitutions since they already had republican governments as part of their colonial charters?
