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Several states feared the strong federal government and wanted the Bill of Rights added.

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Q: Could you answer this Several states would not ratify the Constitution because there was no what?
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Related questions

How many states were needed to ratify the constitution and why?

9 states were needed to ratify the Constitution

What was a problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.

How many states had to vote in favor of the American constitutuion in order to ratify it?


Why did 9 out of 13 states have to ratify the document?

well its because the constitution requires 3/4 of states to change so to ratify the constitution itself it required the same amount of states. but because of the importance of the constitution the framers wanted all states to ratify it so no state felt alienated, namely Rhode island

How many state were requiered to ratify the constitution?

it took 9 states to ratify the Constitution

How many states had to ratify the constitution to make it official?

9 out of the 13 states/colonies had to ratify the Constitution to make it official.

Why did the first congress ad the bill of rights to the constitution?

Several states demanded that it be added or they wouldn’t ratify it.

What was the problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.

Why is it important that all 13 states ratify constitution?

because if they didnt sign the constituton the constitution couldn't be passed

How were the states used to ratify the constitution?

9 states

Which states was last state to ratify the constitution?

verging Rhode Island, the last state to ratify the constitution.

What is the constitutional state?

Connecticut is known as "The Consitution State" because it was the first of the original thirteen states to ratify the new US Constitution.