British spies intercepted the telegram and gave it to the US government.
Important telegrams were transmitted over long cables back then (they could be sent by radio, but then anyone with a radio could pick it up). Britain had cut Germany's cables to North America at the start of the war, so Germany asked to borrow the American cables; President Wilson agreed to allow it. But the American cable ran through part of Britain; British spies easily tapped into the cable and recorded everything that went through it- including Germany's telegrams. So the British caught the Zimmermann telegram when it was sent, and very quickly decoded it- the Germans had an elaborate code system that they thought was unbreakable, but the British had broken it early in the war.
However, the British didn't want Germany to know that the codes were broken- as long as Germany didn't know, they would keep using the code and the British could keep reading their secret messages. So the British had to find another way to "prove" how they got the message without revealing the secret. They knew that the telegram would have to be transmitted through a certain office in Mexico, so they basically bribed someone in that office to give them a copy of the decoded telegram. Because the telegram had gone through American cables before being relayed to Mexico, the Americans would be able to tell that it was authentic.
Once that was done, and the British were satisfied that the Germans still didn't know the codes were broken, the British gave the telegram to the American government; the Americans indeed verified that it had been transmitted, and President Wilson was furious.
pancho villa's cousin snitch the rata
The British intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram while monitoring German diplomatic messages, and revealed it to the US.
The Sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram.
The Zimmerman telegram
The Zimmerman telegram
The Zimmerman telegram was sent to Mexico, but intercepted by Great Britain who then decoded it and told the US about it. The Zimmerman telegram basically said "if you join us and help defeat the US, then we will help you get your land back that you lost in the Mexican War" The Zimmerman telegram was the finial act that made the US join the Allied Powers on WW1 I hope this helps!
Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.
Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.
Zimmerman *face palm*
i told u no sex
pancho villa's cousin snitch the rata
The Zimmerman Telegram.
Arthur Zimmerman (1864 - 1940)
The Zimmerman Telegram.
The Zimmerman Telegram was also called the Zimmerman Note.The Zimmerman Telegram aka 'note', was sent from a German official in Germany to a German official in Mexico asking him to join an aliance with Germans, the Germans told them that they would help get the US back to for the Mexicans. it was NOT Germany asking Mexico to attack us. The English government intercepted this telegram and, instead of showing it to the U.S. government, they gave it to the media, forcing the U.S. into the war.
They refused the proposal, but by that time, the US had already declared war against Germany.
Telegraph (as in Zimmerman Telegram)