About 35,000 Alabamians died in the Civil War. Around 30,000 were seriously wounded.
Approximately 360,000 Union soldiers died during the American Civil War.
Apprxomimately 164,000 Confederate soliers died from diseases during the American Civil War.
about 700,000 people did in the civil war. so sad.
tons of peaple died
During the Holocaust, there was a war going on and immigration to the US was basically halted.
approximately 5.5 million troops served in the Civil War. About 620,000 of them died
about...317, 482 people died in the Spanish civil war
Only 150 people died of salmonella during the civil war
About 35,000 Alabamians died in the Civil War. Around 30,000 were seriously wounded.
Approximately 360,000 Union soldiers died during the American Civil War.
during the time 2% of the population died in the civil war
Unfortunately, all veterans of the US Civil War are dead.
over 30 million people died in the civil war
About 620,000