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East Coast of the newfound country of America.

between present day Mexico and Canada

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Q: The original thirteen colonies were located near the?
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What body of water are the thirteen colonies near?

These colonies were located along the Atlantic Coast.

What is delewear?

If you mean Delaware, it's one of the states of the U.S., the second-smallest. Located on the East Coast near Washington, D.C., Delaware was the first of the original thirteen American colonies to ratify the Constitution and thus become a state.

Where was the backcountry in the 1700s?

*The backcountry was located to the west of the original 13 colonies*i balieve somewhere near Idaho or south of Florida but im not sure

Where was the backcountry located in the 1700s?

the new England coloniesthe middle coloniesand the southern colonies

Near which body of water were most of the first cities in English colonies located?

The answer to this question is Mississippi river and the English colonies located was in the island in Hawaii

Near what body of water were most of the first cities in the british colonies located?

Hudson bay

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Near what kind of physical feature were most of the early plantations in the British colonies located?


Which of these is most true of the thirteen colonies by the end of the Colonial Period?

New York was a fine harbor not only because it was ont he Atlantic, but also because it was near a major river. The answer is C.

Is this a true fact about John Cabot Cabot made England's first claim in the New World. This claim later led to the founding of the 13 colonies?

No, John Cabot claimed land in Newfoundland for England in 1497. This was in Canada and was nowhere near the founding of the thirteen colonies.

What is the population of Isle of Portland in the UK?

The Isle of Portland is located on the South coast of England near Dorset. The current population is currently approximately thirteen thousand people.

How did the geography of the northern colonies affect their culture development?

The economic development of the English colonies was greatly affected by geographic locations. Economies were highly based on agriculture. Colonies that were located near waterways concentrated on fishing, while other inland colonies farmed grains and raised animals for meat.