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North of that line, slavery was illegal in all the territories of the Louisiana Purchase, according to the Missouri Compromise.

The acquisition of the new territories from Mexico required a new Compromise (1850) and this one did not work.

Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed the people of each state to vote whether to be slave or free. The voting in Kansas caused bloodshed, and it was not tried again. But the imminent Civil War would spell the end of slavery throughout the USAin any case.

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Q: What about slavery above north of the line of Missouri compromise?
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What groups split between The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise splits the early America into the South (where slavery is upheld) and the North ( Where slavery is banned)

Why did some northerners object to dividing the nebraska territory in two?

It would allow slavery to spread north of the line established by the Missouri compromise. - Novanet

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no because after the Missouri compromise it was prohibited to have slaves north of Missouri

What was the compromise that determined the future of slavery in the new states after 1820?

The Missouri Compromise - No slavery North of the parallel 36.30

How did the land North of the Missouri Compromise Change?

there was no slavery allowed

The Missouri Compromise ended slavery in the South?

No - in the North. It banned slavery anywhere North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border. This was a successful compromise which kept the peace for thirty years.

What did The Missouri Compromise halt the northern expansion of?

Slavery. It established a parallel, North of which slavery was illegal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of The Missouri Compromise?

An advantage to the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was that slavery would not be permitted in the territory that is now the state of Missouri. A disadvantage to the Missouri Compromise was that people who believed in slavery in the South could not move north to gain more land and keep their slaves.

What agreements made of The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 and was a set of agreements between those who were against slavery and those who were for it. It forbade slavery north of the 36th parallel, except where designated in Missouri.

How did the Kansas- Nebraska act change The Missouri Compromise?

It allowed Slavery in the north.

Did the Missouri Compromise increase unity or division?

The Missouri Compromise was a temporary band aid on the problem of slavery. Many in the South wanted slavery and many in the North did not. It made more people unhappy.

What are civil war words that start with not north?

It sounds like the Missouri Compromise, where slavery would be permitted 'not north' of Missouri's Southern border.