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The Great Compromise of 1787 resolved state representation for Congress. The delegates first believed that Congress should be unicameral with representatives from each state, but they argued over how many representatives each state should have.

Delegates from larger, more populous states favored the Virginia Plan. According to this plan, each state would have a certain number of delegates based on the population of the state.

Delegates from smaller, less populous states favored the New Jersey Plan. According to this plan, each state would have the same number of delegates in Congress and equal representation in Congress.

Roger Sherman from Connecticut proposed a compromise known today as The Great Compromise. He suggested that Congress consist of two chambers: House of Representatives and Senate. Each state would have the same number of representatives in the Senate. More populous states would have more representatives in the House (one representative for every 30,000 people in the state). Sherman's plan was fair to all states, so delegates from both small and large states agreed to it.

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