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Current circulating denominations are:

$1 - a portrait of President George Washington

$2 - President Thomas Jefferson (this denomination isn't commonly used)

$5 - President Abraham Lincoln

$10 - 1st Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton

$20 - President Andrew Jackson

$50 - President Ulysses S. Grant

$100 - Statesman and scientist Benjamin Franklin

At one time the US also issued $500, $1000, $5000, and $10,000 bills for general circulation, and printed special $100,000 bills for use inside the government. Printing was discontinued in 1945. In 1969 banks were ordered to stop distribution of high-denomination bills as a way of combatting organized crime.

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Q: What paper denominations are there in US currency?
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What denominations does paper money come in?

Paper money typically comes in denominations ranging from $1 to $100 in the United States. Other countries may have different denominations for their paper currency, depending on their currency system and value of their currency.

Who was on the larger denominations of paper currency?

Incomplete question - does not say which country.

How many denominations of US currency is there?


What are the denominations of modern US currency?

The present denominations of our currency in production are $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100.

What is the official unit of paper currency in the US?

The official and sole unit of currency in the United States is the dollar ($USD). The $USD is presently printed in 1, 2, 5, 20, 50, and $100 denominations.

What is the name of the first official American currency?

The first official American currency was paper money that was printed by the US Department of the Treasury to finance the Civil War. The paper notes were printed in denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents.

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Israel's currency is comprised of both paper notes and metal coins in various denominations. The unit of Israel's currency is the New Israeli Shekel (NIS), trading in January 2012 at around NIS3.85 = US$1.00 .

Was 25-cent paper money ever issued?

If you're referring to US currency, the answer is yes. So-called "fractional currency" (i.e. denominations less than $1) was issued from 1862 to 1876, in part to alleviate coin shortages and to help pay for the Civil War. Denominations ranged from 3¢ to 50¢.

Was there ever a 15 cent paper currency in circulation in US history?

Current paper money is issued in full-dollar denominations--$1, $2, $5, $10 and so on. However, during the Civil War a lot of coins were being hoarded so the U.S. did issue so-called "fractional currency" in a number of denominations as low as 3 cents. There's more information and pictures of fractional currency at the Related Link, below.

What are the currency?

Assuming that you are asking about US currency, there are paper bills issued in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Historically, bills were also issued in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and (for inter-bank purposes only) $100,000, but they have not been made for many years and no longer circulate.

What are the currency denomations?

Assuming that you are asking about US currency, there are paper bills issued in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Historically, bills were also issued in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and (for inter-bank purposes only) $100,000, but they have not been made for many years and no longer circulate.

Who is the only women pictured on US paper currency?

there are no women pictured on any value of US paper currency. only men.