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Q: What political problems did the US have after the civil war?
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What was primarily a political challenge that the US faced after the Civil War?

The challenge facing the United States after the US Civil War was awesome. The political problems of reconstructing the Union were based on radical Republicans who wanted to place all blame for the Civil War on the South. This was very political as the radical Republicans wanted to make the rebellious South "pay" for this horrible war that devastated the nation.

What political problems faced the US at the end of the Civil War?

One major problem faced by the US after the US Civil War was the reintegration of southern sympathizers into society. There was still many who believed the secession from the United States was the right thing to do.

What was the political effect of the Mexican war within the US?

increase of sectional tensions. Catalyst of Civil war.

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War is the obtaining of a political goal by other than political means.

What did reconstruction do for the US?

It helped reunite the nation after the civil war!! time of solving the South's post-war problems

What were the results of the Civil War on southern society economy agriculture and political structure?

What were the results of the Civil War on southern society economy agriculture and political structure?" Even if you can't offer a complete answer, help us get things started.

How did the mexican war excerbate the political problems in the US?

The Mexican-American War exacerbated political problems in the US by reigniting debates over the expansion of slavery. The acquisition of Mexican territories, such as California and New Mexico, raised questions about whether slavery should be allowed in these new territories. This disagreement between Northern and Southern states further polarized the nation and ultimately contributed to the growing tensions that led to the American Civil War.

What was one of the primary problems affecting US Civil War commanders?

The failure of US Civil War generals and commanding officers to effectively communicate with each other and with their troops was a major problem in the US Civil War and in fact with any army in any war. And, it was not specifically related to any special form of tactics. With that said, physical obstacles placed special problems for linear tactics in the US Civil War. The large sweep of compact linear lines and even long columns, plagued commanders on each side of the war.

Name the US war between the North and South?

*The civil war *The War between the States

How long takes reconstruction last in US after civil war?

us civil war

What year did the us split in the Civil War?

US Civil War 1861-1865.

What war experience did Confederate President Jefferson Davis have prior to the US Civil War?

Jefferson Davis served in two wars prior to his political positions in the US government. He served in the Black Hawk War and the Mexican War.