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Traditionally produced cotton south east states. For example Mississippi, where took place the story of the well known film "In the Heat of the NIght" (staring Sidney Poitier).

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Q: What states grow cotton in us?
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What us states grow the most cotton?

The staes that grow the most cotton are 5.

What US states grow cotton?

There are approximately 17 states that grow cotton in the United States. A few of those states are Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama.

Where does cotton grow US?

Cotton is a warm weather plant. It grows in southern states and in central California. I live in central California and today I think we grow more cotton than is grown in the south. We have fields and fields of cotton.

Does cotton grow in the US?

Yes, cotton grows in the US. remember when people had slaves, they grew cotton in the south. we can probably still grow cotton, but slaves don't grow it anymore, farmers do.

In what states does cotton grow?

Cotton comes from a cotton plant. Cotton is grown all around the word. China, India, USA, Pakistan and Brazil are the top producers. I know Australia also grows cotton. Not sure what other countries grow cotton. Hopefully someone else can contribute

Does cotton grow in the Midwest region?

Yes, cotton can grow in the Midwest region of the United States. States like Missouri, Illinois, and Kansas have ideal climate and soil conditions for cotton cultivation.

How do you use Cotton Belt in a sentence?

The Cotton Belt is a term used for the group southern states that grow cotton.

Did cotton grow in all of the southern states?

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Does cotton grow well in the northeast?

Cotton grows best in southern states such as Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi.

Which states grow cotton?

There are seventeen states that grow cotton. These states are, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, California, New Mexico, and Arkansas.

Which countries typically grow cotton?

Countries that typically grow cotton include the United States, India, China, Pakistan, and Brazil. These countries have favorable climates for cotton cultivation and are major producers of cotton globally.

Why does cotton grow so good in the south?

Cotton requires a long growing time in warm weather. Cotton is planted in early May and it has to be 68 degrees for the seeds to germinate. It is ready for harvest in fall and some is not picked until October or even November. Places that grow cotton are the states in the Southeastern US where the land has sufficient topsoil. Also Texas and Arizona and New Mexico where they have plenty of irrigation. Outside of the US, Egypt is one country that grows cotton.