The Southern planters were ruined, the sovereignty of the states was obliterated, and The South lost an entire generation of young men.
There were Civil War vetrans who also served in the Spanish American War.
It would depend on which civil war you are referring to.
Yo momma was the spark in the American civil war
Well the war in Iraq really has nothing to di with the American Civil War.
The main difference between the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War was that the Revolutionary War was fought between the British Empire and the American Colonies, the latter of which declared independence; and the "Civil War" was fought between the United States, and the Confederated States of America--two separate and distinct countries. So, in actuality, the "Civil War" was not a civil war, since it was a war between to countries.
Civil War
The American Civil War (US Civil War) was not a declared war.
There were Civil War vetrans who also served in the Spanish American War.
It would depend on which civil war you are referring to.
Drums were used in the American Civil war, to show that the war had begun.
Yo momma was the spark in the American civil war
Well the war in Iraq really has nothing to di with the American Civil War.
Do you mean the Spanish Civil War or the American Civil War?
American Revolution
The so-called Indian Wars followed the Civil War. The next war against a foreign power was the Spanish-American War in 1898.after the civil war the war was called Spanish-American war
The American Civil War.
the american civil war