Jamestown was best known for cash crop farming.
Answer this q Introducing tobacco as a cash crop uestion…
Tobacco was the first cash crop in the English Colonies in America. The first to grow tobacco was John Rolfe of Jamestown. He brought tobacco seeds he had acquired in Trinidad . By 1612, he had harvested his initial crop to be exported to Europe.
tobacco and it got all the american indians fever with it to start off
Tobacco. This became the #1 money crop for Virginia.
Jamestown was best known for cash crop farming.
The cash crop that the colony Jamestown had was tobacco.
Jamestown was best known for cash crop farming.
Jamestown's (VA) primary cash crop was Tobacco.
A cash crop.
The English founded Jamestown. The English settlers grew the cash crops in Jamestown.
by introducing tobacoo as a cash crop