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Q: What year did Alabama secede from the union and join the confederacy?
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Why are the border states important to the union?

The Border States were a key part of the US Civil War. They were slave states that did not join the Confederacy, it was important for the Union to prevent that they did not secede and join the South.

When did Virginia secede from the Union and join the Confederacy?

Virginia voted to secede on Apr. 17, 1861. The secession vote was ratified by the citizens of Virginia on May 23. Virginia then existed as an independent republic until it joined the Confederacy on June. 19, 1861.

Why didn't Maryland get a chance to secede and join the confederacy?

Lincoln arrested state leaders who wanted to secede.

Did California stay in the Union or secede in 1861?

California stayed with the Union side; though there were some Californians who wanted to join the Confederacy instead. There were also significant numbers of people who wanted California to become an independent country.

Why did Maryland not get a chance to secede and join the Confederacy?

Because Lincoln had jailed its pro-Confederate leaders.

What were the slave state that did not secede and join the confederacy?

Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware

What were the slaves state that did not secede and join the confederacy?

Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware

Did Florida join the Confederacy in 1861?

Yes. It was one of the Southernmost (Deep South) states, and they were the first to secede.

What slave states seceded the union and join the confederacy?

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, and Arkansas

Why did Tennessee join the confederacy?

Tennessee was the last state in the Union to join the confederacy. Tennessee joined the confederacy of due to laws being passed regarding the institution of slavery.

Did Alabama's join the union before or after Arkansas?


When did Florida secede from the US?

On January 10, 1861, Florida delegates, who were meeting in Tallahassee, the state capital, voted to secede from the U.S. With that action, Florida became one of the original 6 states to secede from the U.S. and form the Confederacy. (A factoid from America's Library.)