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CHICOM (Chinese Communist) AK-47s, and other small arms, MiG-19 (J6 versions)/trained North Vietnamese pilots in Red China; and other military equipment were supplied by Red China. USSR trained MiG-17 & MiG-21 North Vietnamese pilots in the Soviet Union, as well as supplying the jets. T54/55 medium tanks were supplied by USSR/Red China.

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Q: When the Vietnam war era what nation supported ho chi minh and north Vietnam?
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What type of government did ho chi Minh have?

Ho Chi Minh (1890.05.19 - 1969.09.2) supported the Communist government in North Vietnam .

The Soviet Union supported which region of vietnam?

The Soviet Union supported the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) under Ho Chi Minh.

Who was the president of the north during the war?

The president of north Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh The president of north Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh

What did Ho Chi Minh declare after Japan was forced out of Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam as an independent nation.

Why are the Viet minh significant?

Because the Viet Minh from the 1st Indochina War (aka French Indochina War) would be the equivalent to the Viet Cong of the American Vietnam War. The NVA would not be included in this analogy because both the Viet Minh & Viet Cong did not come from a recognized nation (the Viet Minh were from an unrecognized country and the VC were actually insurgents against their own government the Republic of South Vietnam). The NVA were actual soldiers inducted, trained, uniformed, and equipped by the nation of North Vietnam; they were the army of North Vietnam (North Vietnamese Army).

Who was in charge of North Vietnam during the War?

Ho Chi Minh was at power in North Vietnam during Vietnam War and he was a Communist.

Who is the president of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh. Current president of Vietnam (Nguyen Minh Treit )

Who was the leader of the Vietnam revolution?

That was Ho Chi Minh. He wrote a proclamation of independence from France, for the nation of Vietnam, in 1945.

Who was the president of North Vietnam during Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh was really a dictator, not a elected President. He had ruled North Vietnam since 1955, after the defeat of the French at Dien Ben Phu. He was the hero of the Vietnamese people, having been a guerrilla leader against the Japanese in WWII and then again against the French. The Americans had even supported him during WWII! He ultimately defeated the United States and South Vietnam because he and his leadership and the fighters who fought and died for him, believed in total victory, no longer how long it took. We totally underestimated the depth of support the people had for Ho Chi Minh.

North Vietnam leader in Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh.

What part of Vietnam was headed by Ho Chi Minh?

North Vietnam.

Who is hochi minh?

Ho Chi Minh was president of North Vietnam from 1954 to 1964