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Q: Which U.S. president brokered the MOST notable diplomatic achievement for peace in the Middle East to date?
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What is 1 notable event that occurred in us history?

there is a lot of very notable events that has happened in u.s. history. pick one and resaerch it: The vietnamn war (pearl harbor) The Revoloutoinary war, the civil war, andLewis and clark (The Louisanna purchase).

Notable Indian fighter and hero of the battle of new Orleans?

Andrew Jackson was a well known and notable Indian fighter. He is also considered by many as a hero of the Battle of New Orleans where people believed his actions helped to end the war altogether.

The population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the seventeenth century was notable for its?

it's scarcity of women

What city was burned to the ground during the civil war?

Atlanta, Georgia and Lawrence, Missouri are two very notable examples.

What was William t sherman first major accomplishment and how did he achieve it?

Apart from the March to the Sea (Nov-Dec 1864), there was no big, single achievement. He had performed well at First Bull Run - which his side lost. His next achievement was to become a good team-partner to U.S. Grant, and helped him liberate the Mississippi. As a reward, Grant made him an army commander in Chattanooga, and told him to destroy the Army of Tennessee. It was actually his failure to achieve this that prompted the March to the Sea. When that was over, he invaded South Carolina, then North Carolina, taking the surrender of Joseph E. Johnston. Aside from battlefield operations, he was notable for being one of the few people at the beginning who judged that it would be a long war. And he wrote a classic book of memoirs, though he never looked like the sort of person who would write a good book.

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What was the most notable achievement for Calvin Coolidge?

Being elected President of the United States by a comfortable margin in 1924 was likely his proudest moment.

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his most notable achievement was being a traitor

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umm picklee.....

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He is an actor. His most notable achievement is being Harry from Tracy Beaker's return.

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He is an actor. His most notable achievement is being Harry from Tracy Beaker's return.

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An achievement is the accomplishment of a difficult task, the completion of a notable project, the attainment of a laudable goal. What you have done must be difficult and important to be a real achievement.

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What was King Henrys greatest achievement?

No two historians would agree entirely. Possibly the most notable was the rift from Rome.

What were some achievements of the industrialist Robert Owen?

His first notable achievement was being elected as a member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. This is notable because it was where Enlightenment ideas were discussed. Another achievement is the fact that he became a member of the Manchester Board of Health, which worked towards improving working conditions for factory workers.

What is president Gerald Ford' s notable achievements?

no one answer this!!

Who were the notable people of New Hampshire?

President Franklin Pierce.