On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution that established our Nation's flag: Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation. Thus we recognize June 14th as Flag Day in the United States.
The original design of the flag is a mystery of history. The "Betsy Ross flag" with a circle of 13 five-pointed stars was probably NOT our first flag design. Rather Francis Hopkinson's flag design is more likely since he was in the loop with the Continental Congress at the time of the signing of the Flag Resolution. The "Hopkinson Flag" featured 5 rows of six-pointed stars: numbered 3-2-3-2-3. He also helped design the official seal of the US was a signer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and there is documentation where he asked to be reimbursed for the design work of the new flag. He was not paid since he was considered a "public servant" at the time.
there are 13 stars on the us flag
red, white and blue
13 original colonies.
The thirteen stripes on the US Flag represent the original 13 colonies of the Unites States
there are 13 stars on the us flag
It is the stripes on the flag that represent the 13 original colonies
It is the stripes on the flag that represent the 13 original colonies
continental congress
the continental congress
Betsy Ross was the seamstress for the original American Flag
The US flag has 13 stripes to represent the original 13 colonies.
The original British colonies.
red, white and blue
13 original colonies.
The thirteen stripes on the US Flag represent the original 13 colonies of the Unites States