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in short, the North ended slavery.

Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States during the Civil War, drafted on September 22nd, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation which abolished slavery in the United States. It was passed by Congress the following April in the form of the 13th Amendment, passed by a vote of 38 to 6. Since the U.S. did not recognize the South as an independent nation the legislation technically applied there as well, though it was not seen that way by Confederates. Slavery still existed until the dissolving of the Confederacy, and even then took years to fully stamp out.

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Q: Who ended slavery the north or the south?
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Slavery ended in 1865, in all north America, but it most likely ended in 1700's for north.

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A war. Specifically, the US Civil War.

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the north did. the south had slavery, the north did not.

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