

Who were the Grangers populist?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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9y ago

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The Grange and the Populist were periods in the Farmer's Movement, between 1867 and 1896. The Grangers was a secret order founded in 1867 to advance the social needs and combat the economic hardship of farm life. The Populist party emphasized free silver, the income tax, eight-hour day, reclamation of land grants, government ownership of railways, telephones and telegraphs, popular election of federal senators, and the initiative and referendum.

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Answer is :populist,===============================================================the answer is populists

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FarmersThe Populist Party was chiefly composed of individual farmers. The party was an off-shoot of The Grangers, which lobbied Congress for increased rights and opportunities for farmersSource: ATLT- History

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individual farmers.The Populist Party was chiefly composed of individual farmers. The party was an off-shoot of The Grangers, which lobbied Congress for increased rights and opportunities for farmers

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The Grangers are an institution, a Fraternal Order that consisted of and supported farm families. It was founded immediately after the Civil War and continues to this day.

Who were the the populists?

The Grange and the Populist were periods in the Farmer's Movement, between 1867 and 1896. The Grangers was a secret order founded in 1867 to advance the social needs and combat the economic hardship of farm life. The Populist party emphasized free silver, the income tax, eight-hour day, reclamation of land grants, government ownership of railways, telephones and telegraphs, popular election of federal senators, and the initiative and referendum.

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8 hour work days, immigration restrictions, government control over the railroad, telephone, and telegraph system

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because they felt that we needed it

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There are a few populist that is similar to political platforms. The main populist would be farmers.