The North's industrial economy gave it an advantage over the South in the Civil War because it had a more developed infrastructure, a larger population, and greater manufacturing capabilities. The North benefited from the presence of factories and access to railroads, which enabled it to produce weapons, supplies, and equipment more efficiently. Additionally, the North's larger population allowed for a larger pool of soldiers and laborers to draw upon during the war.
Home-ground advantage - along with the stronger war-mission that went with it, driving out the invader.
The north had an industrial based economy. The south had an agricultural based economy.
In the north there is a lot of industry which account's for a lot of things, but in the south there is mostly agriculture.
The North's biggest advantage was its industrial might. The rural and agricultural South couldn't keep up.
The North's population was much larger than the South's.
Home-ground advantage - along with the stronger war-mission that went with it, driving out the invader.
The north had an industrial based economy. The south had an agricultural based economy.
It is separated from North Korea, and Souths' economy is better than norths'.
In the period lading up to the US Cvil War, the North had an emerging industrial economy. The South remained a plantation based agricultural economy with much less industrial capability than the North.
* Manpower. * An Industrial base. * A fleet capable of establishing a blockade on the South. * lots of girls
No i cant..can you?
The North and South had very different economies. The North relied on factories to make goods that they could sell or trade in their economy while the South's economy was mostly agricultural, relying mostly on cotton. -those other answers were wrong
There are major economic differences between the North and South in Italy. The economy is mixed. The North is industrial and the South is agricultural.
It has changed from a farming to an industrial economy.
yes the south agriculture the north industrial
Rapid population growth
Rapid population growth.