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they didnt win.....the americans won bvecause they had freedom and rights from the declaration ofn independance that thomas jefferson signed.

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Q: Why did the Thirteen colonies win in the American Revolutionary War?
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Were there thirteen original colonies before the American Revolutionary War?

The revolutionary war was in the 13 colonies of the u.s.a.

Which came first the revolutionary war or the thirteen colonies?

The thirteen colonies. When we won the war, the colonies became the first thirteen states.

What country ruled the thirteen conlonies?

Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies were ruled by England.

When did the thirteen colonies win the revolutionary war?

seventeen eighty three

If During the Revolutionary War what was the definition of a Loyalist?

During the American Revolutionary War, people opposed to the independence of the thirteen colonies were called loyalists. meaning loyal to Great Britain and King George.

What European nation declared war on the English in 1778?

France declared war on England in 1778 as part of their alliance with the Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolutionary War.

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

Where was the American Revolutionary War located?

The Revolutionary War was located in the 13 colonies

What North American wars took place in the 18th century?

In the thirteen American colonies, the war that took place in the 18th century was the American Revolutionary War which began in the 1775-1783. Prior to that war was the French and Indian War.

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Capital of American colonies during most of the revolutionary war?

The capital of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War was Philadelphia. Philadelphia was chosen because of its location.

The overthrow of the English government in the colonies?

revolutionary war (American Revolution).