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You got this all wrong, the Founding Fathers feared the Government, because they knew that the government cannot control the economy, without controlling the people. Therefore they made the Bill of Rights, to protect the individual rights of citizens. But even this didn't stop the Government. Just look at Executive Order 1066, Japanese American's rights were taken away within a heart beat. The Founding Fathers did not fear the people, but the Government.

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The prevailing idea in England was that there were two classes of people, the gentlemen or ruling class and the ordinary servant classes. The kings and noblemen inherited their positions and were considered to be born to rule. The idea of electing a ruler was a radical one and rather scary to many. Even though they wanted to end the idea of inheriting a king, it seems to be a good idea to put some limits on the power of the masses to run the government. Many of the working people could not read and of course there was no radio or TV, so they really could not make intelligent decisions about world affairs, financial planning, monetary policy, legal fine points, setting tariffs, etc that government must deal with.

At that time it was hard to determine who was willing to take a chance and support the Patriot cause as opposed to those who supported the King. Some supported the King because they feared what he would do to them.

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12y ago

The founding fathers feared the rule of the people because in their experience, people were divided into upper and lower classes, and people of lower classes tended to be uneducated, uninformed, and lacking in the social sophistication which would be needed to make sound political choices. So, if everyone is allowed to vote, regardless of class, there could be some unfortunate election results. In addition, democracy was essentially experimental. There had been some earlier historical instances of democratic societies such as ancient Athens, but that was a single city in a less complicated world; no one was sure whether the principle could be adapted to a nation in the late 18th century.

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