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because they disagreed with the confederate officers and so Lincoln & radical republicans compromise and work together.

Answer 2

There were two main reasons.

Firstly, the former Confederate Officers were men that had just finished committing treason against the Government of the United States. It would not make sense to give them immediate clemency.

Secondly, losing the war did not change their opinions on major issues such as Slavery, State Nullification, and several other issues. In order to create a viable Reconstruction program to implement the changes that the nation needed, Lincoln and the Radical Republicans needed to keep the former Confederates out.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Radical Republicans did not trust the former Confederates. They feared that the old Southern ruling class would return to power.

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Q: Why do you think both Lincoln and the Radical Republicans excluded former confederate officer from their reconstruction plans?
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