The Southerners were called Rebels. The Northerners were called Yankees. The spellings are the same today.
The northerners were called Yankees and the Southerner were called rebels.
Carpet baggers
Loss of life
the north had 2 million troops and the south had 800,000 troops
The Southerners were called Rebels. The Northerners were called Yankees. The spellings are the same today.
Rebs (short for Rebels) and seshes (short for secessionists) were two.
The northerners were called Yankees and the Southerner were called rebels.
The confederates
Carpet baggers
Loss of life
Southerners, secessionists, Confederates, rebels,
because they want the people enslaved in the south to be free...
Northerners were Billy Yanks; Southerners were Johnny Rebs.
Northerners were completely against slavery, and before the Civil War they took their hatred overboard by killing Southerners for their slavery.
They were called extremists, but the Northerners termed them as "fire-eaters", for their belligerent conduct. Later they became known as the confederates or rebels, but only during the Civil War.