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Right now, the cheapest gear on Roblox costs about 15 Robux (1 week rental only) which is equivalent to about 287 tickets. Thus, 10 tickets is not enough to buy gear on Roblox. However, Roblox have released gear for just 1 Robux/ticket before for a limited amount of time (usually rental items).

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Q: Can you get gear on Roblox for 10 tickets?
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How do you get Robux on Roblox without buying it or buying Builders Club?

When designing a Roblox game, you can add gamepasses and gears onto your game. When making a gamepass, you get 10% of the price you sell it for; the other 90% goes back to Roblox. About the gears, if you add a Roblox gear onto your game page and someone buys it from there, you get 10% of the Robux gear's original price.

How many tickets are in a robux on roblox?

10 tickets are in a robux by

How do you get tickets on roblox free?

Sorry, but there is no way to get 'free' tickets on Roblox. You do get 10 tickets when you log on every day, but I don't think that's what you're asking about.

Is there weapons in roblox that you can buy with tickets?

In models yeah. Or if some1 makes a tix gear weapon.

How do you get a lot of tickets on a website called roblox?

If you log in each day you will get 10 tickets. Do this for a year, and you will get 3650 tickets, to be 365 robux!

Do you earn tickets on roblox when you play games?

Well no but if you are logged on for long enough you get 10 tickets each day.

How do you sell tickets in Roblox?

You cannot sell tickets in Roblox, you can only earn, spend them or trade them for Robux.

How do you get tickets on roblox?

Every user gets 10 free tix when they login each day.

What is roblox ticket editor?

It is something that will let you change your tickets on roblox but the limit is 100 tickets per day

How do you set a price for gear on roblox?

Only ROBLOX can sell gear, and set a price, sorry.

Can you get gear with tix on roblox?

Maybe. Sometimes Roblox sells some gear for a couple of tix.

How do you get tickets in roblox without Builders club?

You get robux with builders club. You get 10 tix a day normally.