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It's easy,just use reaction commands and Dodge his attacks when he's on berserk mode.Attack and guard when he's not in berserk mode.

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Q: How do you beat Saix in KH2?
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Saix's real name is Isa, as revealed in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

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Easiest way, use trinity limit

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How do you beat the 2nd to last boss on kingdom hearts 2?

Do you mean Saix, Luxord or what? I'll do them all. Saix: Ok, listen. Saix has Berserk mode, which you should avoid. Really, really avoid. You see his weapon? If you see it on the ground or in the ground, you can do a series of reaction commands which Do some damage. Avoid Berserk. Luxord: Mostly, I just attacked him. Hit him before he hits you. Avoid being turned into a card, please?

Can you save the game after you beat xzemnas in kh2?

No, if u beat Xemnas, its finished and u cant go back or save until u turn the PS2 off and load it to the last save point

IS there a code to fight Ven in KH2?

NO! Unless you play KH3 or KH2 final mix