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Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and hit start, then let go of the L&R buttons when you see a number come up, but hold start, then use the L and R buttons to cycle through the pages!!

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Q: How do you change pages on a playstation mega memory card?
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How do you change pages on PlayStation mega memory card?

This really depends on the Memorycard. No memory cards are available for the PlayStation 3 because you can create them within the harddrive itself. Now if you have a first generation PS3 released Nov 2006 you can buy a memory card adapter which will allow you to still use your old PlayStation and PlayStation 2 memory cards. For most 3rd party memory card manufacturers there is a little button could be gray or white located on the memory card itself there is usually an indicator light which will display in either green or orange respectively. Actually I am sure that's how its done I just remembered I used to have one. If the light on the memory card has died pressing the gray circular knobbish button will switch pages you may or may not hear a click sound to be absolutely sure you can always just go into your memory card manager and press the button for the respective page you need I had one with two pages but before they stopped making them I believe they had them with as many as 8 pages.

Can you change the memory card with a different Playstation 3?

PS3 has a Harddrive which you can change with a standard laptop harddrive

What is the largest memory card I can get for my PlayStation 2?

The largest memory card available for the PlayStation 2 is the Pro DUO card which is 16GB.

How do you transfer data between PlayStations?

To transfer data between two or more PlayStation systems, you must have a PlayStation Memory Card. Insert the Memory Card into either of the two Memory Card slots on the PlayStation system. Upon powering on the PlayStation, access the Memory Card from the menu and you can drag and drop game save data. Once you have the data you need, shut off the system and remove the Memory Card. Then insert the Memory Card into another PlayStation system and the data on the card can now be used on the second system. Keep in mind that the Memory Card must remain in the PlayStation that you are using, as the PlayStation lacks internal storage.

Will a ps2 recognize a PS1 memory card?

I do believe that a PlayStation 2 will recognize a PlayStation 1 memory card. I use a ps1 memory card in my ps2 might it might vary from the different memory card brands.

Does a PlayStation come with a memory card?


What type of memory card does PlayStation 2use?

It uses a PlayStation 2 memory card. 8mb. Companies on card: Sony and MagicGate. only ps2 cards

Can a PlayStation 1 game be played on a PlayStation 2 and use a playstaion 2 memory card?

Yes, but you cannot save playstation 1 games on a playstation 2 memory card as they are not compatible.

How do you erase memory from your memory card for your playstation 1?

No you cant

How can you transfer files from your PC to PlayStation Memory Card?

You need a Memory Card reader device to connect the Memory card to a computer

Do you need a memory card for a PlayStation 2?

Yes, to store PlayStation 2 game data you need a 8MB (PS2) memory card. The PS2 will still play most games without a memory card

Can PlayStation 2 games be saved on the PlayStation 3?

yes you can make a ps2 memory card on your ps3 yes you can make a ps2 memory card on your ps3