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One way to gain levels quickly in Final Fantasy 1 is to let all but one character die. Now whenever you win a battle all the experience goes to the Survivor rather than being divided between the party. It is important though to only fight enemies that your lone character can defeat on their own.

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14y ago

either in the tower of babel or the tower of zot there are monsters called puppeteers who control puppets. kill off all the puppets but not the puppeteer. the puppeteer will continue to make more puppets, and it becomes a never ending cycle. if you continue for a half hour or more you could end up getting each character multiple levels at the end of each fight. another way is to fight summoners because they summon monsters, the pattern is similar to that of the puppeteers. if youre just looking for monsters to fight for experience, go to the moon and fight!

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14y ago

It depends on what point you are in the game. Near the endgame, I found the ancient Shrine of Chaos was a good place to get my characters all the way up to Lv100 without too much time or difficulty.

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14y ago

There's no way to increase the EXP gain unlike say, the Growth Egg from FF6 or Level Up from FF9. The only way, really, is to level up and get stronger, and get better items, and fight stronger monsters.

If you are playing the PSP version, one of the optional areas is full of Warmech monsters, which should not pose a problem to a strong party, and are worth a substantial amount of EXP.

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