It is not possible to spawn Herobrine for Minecraft on the Xbox 360 edition, or any others, without a modded client. Depending on the mod, Herobrine may or may not be in your other worlds, but likely it will only be on the one.
You cannot, he is simply a rumor.
Herobrine has never been in Minecraft, any edition.
No, since you can't mod the XBox 360 version, you can't get Herobrine.
Herobrine is a Minecraft urban legend and was never in any official version of the game.
You can't mod the XBox 360 version so you can't add Herobrine.
No. You can't mod the XBox 360 version.
No, you can't mod the XBox 360 version so there's no way to add him in.
No, there's no way to mod him in.
No, Herobrine isn't in The Xbox version or any other versions of Minecraft. There is no reference to him in the coding; therefore he doesn't exist. the Closest thing you could get to Herobrine is the Herobrine skin in the skin pack.
Herobrine is not on any version of minecraft on any platform. He is simply a myth