Use the audio out dongle that goes in the Xbox 360 AV out to get red/white outputs, then use cable provided to connect them to the audio in on the chair.HopeThis Helps:)~SyedMustafaJelani
no you can not
DSL or Cable
You would have to have wireless internet.
with bluetooth dongle OR using usb data cable
To connect to the Internet without Wi-Fi on your Xbox 360, you will need an Ethernet cable. Simple connect one end of the cable to the rear of the console and the other end to the router.
You can do it with an usb cable , connect the usb cable to the nds and a PC , the nds will charge...
Some modems install internally, others require a cable.
No. The PS3 can only have a wired connection with an ethernet cable. The only other connection that is possible is WiFi. The PS3 can only connect to the internet with WiFi or ethernet cable no other type connection is possible. You can not use the HDMI or USB port to connect the PS3 to the internet. I do not believe a router can be connected to the internet cable without a modem or that you can have cable internet without a modem
You might mean the ethernet cable and you need to connect it to your cable or DSL modem and then the PS3. If items are already connected and you don't want to switch back and forth you need to purchase a router and connect everything to the router the modem cable goes in the in and the PS3 and PC or other devices go in the out.
You can connect 2 PC`s without the use of a switch with a cross-over cable.
You can get a cable for your camera which would connect to a computer USB port.