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For updating sony DVD writer firmware you need to first know the model of your DVD writer. You can check on the cover of the writer or you can check it in Nero. Nowadays there are other softwares to get the system information. Once you know the model go to this site there you can select your model and download the required firmware. Just go through the instructions. All you need to do it to run the program once then the firware will be updated.

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Q: How to update firmware in Sony DVD writer?
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*Note* This is an OEM drive. Sony may not release any firmware updates to the public for it. 1. Go to (Australian Site), Pick Support - Product Support from the menu at the top of the screen. 2. Type in the model number "aw-g170a" in the box provided, click Submit to search for it. 3. Click on "AWG170AB2" of available selections in search results. 4. There are no firmware updates from Sony. Alternate solution:

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Try the Sony Progressive Scan DVD/VCR Recorder And Player Combo Model RDRVX530 this is considered one of the best devices for this job.

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Yes does sell Sony dvd recorders . has a wide variety of dvd recorders , mostly from sony .

Would you recommend a Toshiba DVD player over a Sony DVD player?

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You need a DVD writer/VCR combo.The Sony RDR-VX560 is one of many types.You should always do your homework when buying a standalone DVD recorder.Many of them have really serious reliability issues.

How do you get a Sony DVD player to play a DVD?

you should use some software to convert the Sony farmat