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History refers to the federations of nomadic central Asian tribesmen as "hordes". The term is usually applied when such federations grew large and powerful enough to threaten the more sedentary civilizations of China, India, Persia, and Europe. The implication is an enormous force of horse mounted warriors considered barbaric by the peoples they threatened. The reality is that such "hordes" usually exercised very sophisticated command and control techniques and were fully capable of employing the most advanced technologies of their day in the exercise of warfare.

Hordes were usually organized into large maneuver units led by a Khan. These divisions were often called "hordes" themselves, such as the Blue, White, and Golden Hordes of the Mongol Empire. These Khans owed fealty to a Great Khan or Khagan, but otherwise exercised supreme authority in the regions they operated.

I think Blizzard chose the name "Horde" for the Orc/Tauren/Troll/Forsaken/Blood Elf faction because it sounds militant and brutal. This in contrast with the daintier races of the Alliance faction.

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