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Unfortunately, There is no Halo 3 demo

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Q: Where to play a Halo 3 demo?
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You can't play the full version with the demo. Sorry!

Is there a demo for halo in xbox 360?

No, the only demo of Halo 3 came with crackdown those copies are now invalid. You will need to purchase the game to play it.

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they dont have a firefight demo for halo reach soz

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No, there was no Halo 1 demo. The first Halo was made for the original Xbox, not Xbox 360, so there was no capacity for online play or downloads. Because of that, there was no demo made.

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No you cannot, the entire game, including the demo, you can only play as the UNSC.

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its none demo only a beta you can buy halo odst in nov in the store but tath in euroe

How do you play halo reach demo?

go to and type in halo. then just scroll down and find halo combat evolved (if you cant get to the site from the address bar, go to google and just type in halo demo and look at the links. find the one that says

Can you buy a halo wars full game demo?

No, The demo only allows you to play for a certain amount of time.

If you have a halo disc can people with the demo play with you?

No the demo is like a beta version of the game n serioslly get Halo3

Is there a Halo 3 demo?

No, I believe currently there are no demos for Halo 3 except on the 360, since there are no versions of Halo 3 for the PC out as of yet. sorry :( :( :( :(

Is there a Halo 3 PC demo?

Yes, there was a Halo 2 demo shown at E3 2003. But after E3, Bungie scrapped the level and the demo because it could not be shipped on any gaming engine. After E3, nobody would ever be able to play this demo again. This has caused anger among many Halo fans at how bad the final version compared to the demo. Hopefully, it will someday be available on the Xbox 360 live marketplace, or at least with a special edition of Halo 2.

Can you download Halo 2 demo on mac?

you can not download halo 2 demo for mac for some reason but you cant but there is a halo demo 1 for mac you can get it by seaching it in google type in halo demo for mac